We are specialists for orthodontics and not for learning disabilities and behavioural problems in children. However, concentration problems, aggressiveness, reading and writing disabilities and problems with simple mathematics are a part of everyday school life. Many school aged children are nervous, afraid or suffer from many different health problems such as headaches and allergies. More and more children also suffer from learning disabilities and behavioural problems - 40% of all primary school children are affected by such problems.

Due to continuous contact with these children, every orthodontist is aware of these problems and how much children suffer. Since the development of the Balance Treatment System, we have found that through the treatment of the Cranio-Mandibular-System a positive influence can be made on this very tiring problem.

How is that possible? The truth is, we do not know yet! But there are some hypotheses about the functional contexts.

Every doctor or dentist knows from anatomy class that the temporomandibular joint is supplied with an extremely rich supply of nerves. Motor nerves, sensory nerves and also proprioceptive nerves are abundant in this region. Until now, we have noticed that this long known fact has been mostly ignored and not properly evaluated. One can assume that nature has a very good reason for providing the jaw and mouth area with such a significant nerve supply that is not comparable to any other region in the body.

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Homunculus after Penfield and Rasmussen (Motorik)

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Homunculus after Penfield and Rasmussen (Sensorik)

It is a fact that by optimising the Cranio-Mandibular-System with the use of the Balance Treatment Concept, we have an strong influence on the entire nervous system. This positive influence that we have seen in so many patients over the years is still somewhat unknown to  the medical research community. The well known researcher, Wolf Singer from the Max Plank Institute in Frankfurt am Main, Germany said in an interview with a German newspaper, "to understand the performance of a nerve cell, one must consider a computer chip with 50,000 ports all organized to achieve optimal function at all the times." Man has over 100 billion of these complex "beasts" that are very efficiently and intelligently arranged in a centrally orientated network. But, this network system, the neurological code and the function of over 70% of the nervous system is still completely untouched from our research.

Many parents are afraid to put their children on long term medication of psycho-pharmaceutical drugs, such as Ritalin, Concerta etc. which interfere with the function of every nerve cell.  We understand the concerns of parents, however we are careful in our criticism of such therapies. We are not in the position to speak on the behalf of the specialists in this area. Nevertheless we recognize that many factors are involved in such problems, one being the Cranio-Mandibular-System.

A cooperation with other health care professionals such as Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Nutritional Experts, Learning Therapists, Speech therapists and Naturopaths is often the key to success. Unfortunately, a complete success in every case is not realistic. Many parents however, are thankful when their child no longer needs to take such a high dosage of such strong medication. This meaningful result can be achieved with comprehensive orthodontics.