Our practice team
Specialist practice for comprehensive orthodontics in Hanover Dres. W. & J. Entrup & Dr. T. Altvater
We have over 30 years of experience in caring for our patients and are proud that our many enthusiastic, long-standing employees fulfill our patients’ wishes with reliability, trust and perfection. This also includes the careful, regular expansion of the team due to the at least temporary absence of pregnant employees after careful selection and training. Weekly team meetings enable us to constantly improve and further optimize our processes. Regular internal and external training courses ensure that we are always working at the cutting edge of science. “The purest form of madness is to leave everything as it is and hope that something will change.” (Albert Einstein) Every patient is unique in their wishes and orthodontic challenges and therefore receives individual care. In order to build up an optimal relationship of trust and achieve the treatment goal together, each patient has their own main dentist and the corresponding team. Any cooperation is difficult as long as people are indifferent to the happiness of their fellow human beings. (Dalai Lama) We look forward to inspiring you!
Our orthodontists – your team of specialists

Dr. Wilhelm Entrup
Specialist dentist for orthodontics Diplomate German Board of Orthodontics

Osteopath, alternative practitioner, Dipl. Physiotherapist


Doris N.
Executive secretary

Andrea M.

Kinga G.

Shadi R.

Katja D.
Administrative assistant

Elen H.
Administrative assistant

Karen K.
Administrative assistant

Nicole H.
Administrative assistant
Orthodontics and communication

Antje S.
Orthodontic assistant

Anke Z.
Orthodontic assistant

Stefanie W.
Orthodontic assistant

Anneka R.
Orthodontic assistant

Bettina H.
Documentation assistant

Ewa K.
Orthodontic assistant
in training

Alberto S.
Orthodontic asisstent
in training

Ina B.
Orthodontic assistant
in training

Arina T.
Orthodontic assistant
in training

Christina Z
Orthodontic assistant
in training
Dental technology

Andreas H.
Laboratory manager

Meike R.
Dental technician

Matthias H.
Dental technician

Susanne S.
Dental technician

Kyriaki A.
Dental technician